Nov 10, 2008

Blog how to optimize to improve the views

We all write in their own Blog, written Blog log if there is a lot of people that come here will be a relatively happy. So we need to look at the Blog optimization and promotion, the following are my personal views for your information 1) log high-quality content is the key: Blog content to be interesting, each focusing on the theme of the article and the article in the distribution of certain words. To be updated frequently, search engine spiders will often crawl to new content, and in the search results display updated. 2) Optimization Blog structure: Blog content of the article, the best set up in the left column to the right of navigation in the two parts of the code in the performance of the former first appeared in the latter. This is beneficial to search engines search the text content of the page. 3) The article link between each other: In the article mentioned previously written-related content can be a natural link to other articles. 4) The theme of the articles of the plug-in: This will allow users to access more articles, followed by the search engine can be enhanced on the page included to strengthen the link between the article. 5) Export of external links: search engines and landing Rss news aggregator, to log all the major networks to join pick stations to increase the friendship links, etc.

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