The development of the Internet world, network marketing will become more and more of a huge system. Small and medium enterprises to do a good job in network marketing, enterprises must be the original demand for sub-let the network marketing services to enterprises need most, but not Dabaotailan. Web-based marketing popularity, is that the majority of small and medium enterprises to get rid of the unreasonable burden and concentrate on doing a good job using the Internet to promote sales, money is the last word. It is expected that the 2009-based Web site marketing the project will become the latest trend in Web site development.
The corporate website of life and death issue, China is the online marketing industry to focus on an issue. The new corporate Web site on behalf of a network marketing business to carry out the desire to have died from the corporate Web site on behalf of a network marketing business to carry out the hope dashed.
Statistics show that 51.5 percent of corporate Web site page views per day at 50 under, that is, more than half of the enterprises in a sleeping state Web site. Web site by the entire enterprise network marketing major environmental impact, corporate Web site-building market is still in the development of high-speed. For small and medium enterprises, they want to do is not a Web site, but to do network marketing. The future development of the site must be enterprises to meet the needs of network marketing in order to have a longer life cycle.
Web-based marketing is only the latest in 2012 out of the new term in the industry at present there is no standard definition. In general, marketing-business Web site is based on the target site marketing planning, a good search engine performance and user experience, a comprehensive assessment of the effectiveness of the system, be able to use organic means visitors will be translated into customer service at the target site Marketing . Win marketing enterprises believe that Web-based marketing concept, breaking the corporate Web site for the building of the traditional knowledge of small and medium enterprises in line with its corporate Web site for the establishment of the basic demands.
Based on marketing the site is planning to address the corporate Web site focused on showing what and how to display. Web-based marketing planning to marketing the site for the purpose of the core of the site so that the structure of the flat as far as possible, prominent business products, services and quality of the display. According to the business of the industry's own characteristics and attributes to determine the site of visual style and focus of communication. In addition, different types of business, design corresponding visitor interaction process.
Web-based marketing A striking feature of it is "self-promotion," which highlights the Web-based marketing has a good search engine performance of the above (that is, usually meaning the search engine optimization, search engine search-related keywords to get better Natural position). Search engine optimization is usually related to the page structure, content design, external links, and so on, is a systems engineering and marketing-focused Web site-building need to be addressed. At the same time, Web-based marketing have a better user experience, so that potential customers can quickly find products or services of interest to fully understand the details of the characteristics of the content and services through a variety of interactive and business networking.
Web-based marketing needs a comprehensive assessment of the effectiveness of the system, which includes traffic statistics, site analysis, advertising content analysis. Evaluation system to help businesses understand the Web site operators in the process of development trends and indicators, clear the current advertising investment and return. Evaluation system for enterprise marketing strategy to adjust and correct evaluation of the marketing network of input-output ratio there is a very important role.
Flow into the area, the type of B2B companies, corporate Web site can provide on-line consultation, free telephone, SMS notification services such as conversion, and the type of B2C business, provided the purchase orders, on-line customer service, electronic maps and other services into , Enterprise customers based on their actual needs to choose.
From the construction site to flow into business opportunities, network marketing enterprises to win a one-stop service for business customers, not only to save the network marketing investment, but also be able to straighten out their own marketing network processes and improve business network marketing conversion rate. One of the aspects of this transformation, will become ordinary visitors prospects for a deal ultimately laid the foundation for
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